Javascript, NodeJs, Html5, CSS3, Animations and more. My name is Juan José García and this is my personal blog.
News are things I investigate, Demos are those things I try to do just as a learning concept on something I like.
Creation and design for IoT in:
My Youtube channel with all my experiments:


  • Spread operator

    Spread operator

  • Var Let Const

    Var Let Const

  • High order functions

    High order functions

  • This, Function and Arrow Function

    This, Function and Arrow Function

  • Classes prototypes and module pattern

    Classes, prototypes and Module pattern

  • Intro javascript

    Introduction javascript

Distributed systems

  • Docker volume - Mysql backup restore

    Docker volume - Mysql backup restore

  • CKAD preparation plan

    CKAD preparation plan

  • Skaffold minikube nodejs deployment

    Skaffold minikube nodejs deployment

  • Docker Mysql dump

    Docker Mysql dump

  • Kubernetes (k8s) secrets with minikube

    Kubernetes (k8s) secrets with minikube

  • Kubernetes (k8s) deployment and service from minikube cluster

    Kubernetes (k8s) deployment and service from minikube cluster

  • Docker NodeJS

    Docker + NodeJS

Frameworks and tools

  • Introduction ReactJS and JSX

    Introduction ReactJS and JSX

  • Intro LernaJs

    Intro to LernaJs

  • Comparison ExpressJs vs FastifyJs

    Comparison ExpressJs vs FastifyJs

  • Intro FastifyJs

    Intro to FastifyJs

  • How to validate an endpoint with ExpresJs

    How to validate an endpoint with ExpresJs

  • Intro ExpressJS

    Intro to ExpressJS

  • Angular Code Distribution

    Another option on code distribution for an angular SPA.

  • Flux and Redux

    An opinion after some reading and practice on react flux and redux.

  • Donators and Patients

    A blood donators and patients SPA build with React, Arcgis, Socket IO, MongoDB and Mongoose. I removed link to demo, in order to see a bit more about sockets and heroku :), local host with github works ok.

  • SpaceWar

    This is a very short game with phaser js in order to learn a bit about this beautifull library.

  • AngularJs MVC vs ReactJs Flux

    This is my opinion about AngularJs MVC vs ReactJs Flux.

  • Trends

    This is an application built with Backbone Marionette Js and CSS3 transformations.

  • My Neighborhood

    This is and application build with Knockout js, integrated with Google Maps and Foursquare to show my neighborhood. It is using an API build with expressjs in order to get the values from Foursquare.

  • Travis CI

    Travis Continuous Integration with Saucelabs and Coveralls

  • Cross browser testing

    Making Karma work with Saucelabs for testing in devices and browsers.

  • Headless browser testing

    Testing with mocha, phantomjs 2, karma, and coverage with istanbul. ECMA5. You can go for babelify u other to do it with ECMA6.


  • Boho easydesk standing desk

    Brand new desk is comming to the office!

  • DC Motor with Arduino Nano and H bridge circuit

    DC Motor with Arduino Nano and H bridge circuit

  • Arduino Nano + Infrared Receiver connection and test

    Arduino Nano + Infrared Receiver connection and test

  • Arduino Nano + HC-SR04 connection and test

    Arduino Nano + HC-SR04 connection and test

  • Design in Blender a Lamp to 3D Print

    Use of basic transformations in blender to create a lamp to print in 3D

  • Medilo IO Creation

    Measure your quantificable objectives

  • How does it look like to paint PLA with acrylic?

    Downloaded a model from Thingiverse and painted with acrylic

  • Basics 3D Print from Blender

    Creating the most basic design or model in blender to be 3D Printed

  • Picky Word Game

    Simple game of words, for learning antonyms and synonyms

  • Sweet build

    Building tools - Browserify, SourceMaps, Dependo, Gulp-Watch, Watchify

  • Animated Me

    This is a web page with some animations in order to try a bit of velocity.js library and some css3, this is tested for Android, and desktop of different sizes.

  • Frogger clone game

    This is a game created for Udacity Front End Nanodegree. Assets and render engine provided from Udacity, enemies, player and other logics by me.

  • Page speed insights

    How to measure and make a better performance web page with page speed insights, web page test, and Heroku.